Hoopla brings you the latest coupon codes, discounts and daily deals from thousands of online stores. We get paid a sales commission for each purchase you make. The majority of that commission goes back to you, IN CASH!
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Hoopla work?
Is the cash back that I receive some kind of "bonus points" or "credits" to be used ONLY when I shop through Hoopla?
No. Not at all. It's all CASHBACK paid directly to you. You receive your cashback from us in quarterly payments throughout the year, as stated in our Transactions and Payments section.
Do I need to create an account to shop through Hoopla?
Where does Hoopla get the coupons and promotions listed on this website?
Am I required to have a credit card or bank account on file in my account?
Does Hoopla sell products on this site?
Does my personal information get shared in any way?
Is the cash back I receive considered income?
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